9. Dixie Chicks 8. Lady Gaga, Vogue, 2010 7. Vietcong Prisoner 6. True Blood’, Rolling Stone, 2010 5. Vanity Fair (August 1991) 4. John Lennon & Yoko, Rolling Stone, 1980 3. Is God Dead? -Time 2. Rolling Stone Kanye West Posing As Jesus
When you breakWhen you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death.…Read More
In my ownIn my own relationships, I know that I should break up with someone who doesn't encourage me to be strong and make my own choices and do what's best i…Read More
If you say,If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity.…Read More
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